A tasty and fun dessert based on an idea of Elisabeth Fülscher / Ein leckeres und lustiges Dessert nach einer Idee von …
RecipesSide dishesVegetarian
Two color rice head / Zweifarbiges Reisköpfchen (english/deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 2.7K viewsCheerful risotto side dish (based on an idea by Elisbeth Fülscher) / Fröhliche Risotto Beilage (basierend auf einer Idee von Elisbeth Fülscher)
A starter of aspic in 1970s style / Eine Vorspeise aus Sülze im 1970er Jahre Stil
Of “everything in aspic without gender asterisks”, cross-references and mocha hedgehogs (with recipes from the 1970s) (English/German) / Von “alles in Sülze ohne Gendersternchen”, Querverweisen und Mokka-Igeln (mit 1970er Jahre Rezepten) (English/Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 1.5K viewsGERMAN VERSION AFTER THE ENGLISH TEXT After blogs with rather spooky topics like cemeteries, war or fitness programs, today we turn back …
Inspired by the portuguese tradition Txoko Adrian and two friends cook regularly together for themselves and their spouses. These events serve also …
About good mood despite bad news and eplieptic whales (with Midnight Oil Spotify Playlist) / Von guter Laune trotz schlechten Nachrichten und epileptischen Walen (mit Midnight Oil spotify playlist) (English / Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 4.2K viewsDEUTSCHER TEXT NACH DER ENGLISCHEN VERSION Is it ok to be in a good mood these days? In the news the gas …
Unlearned cooking and invitation to stamp lecture / Verlerntes Kochen und Einladung zu Briefmarkenvortrag (English / Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 1.4K viewsGERMAN VERSION AFTER THE ENGLISH TEXT You don’t forget how to cook – I hope. For almost two years there have been …
GERMAN VERSION AFTER THE ENGLISH TEXT As already in 2020, 2019 and 2018 we like to present you our favorite records which …
One of my favourite Christmas cookies / eines meiner Lieblings “Weihnachtsgutzis”
Main CourseMeatRecipes
Lasagne with carrots / Lasagne mit Karrotten (English / Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 3.1K viewsThis variation of a Lasagne was triggered by the fact that my son when he was a child didnt like celery. Hence …