GERMAN VERSION AFTER THE ENGLISH TEXT Loyal readers of the Sunday Kitchen blogs may remember our blog where two Norwegian Forest Cats …
Gods of Music 1969 (blog and spotify playlist) (English/German)
by Adrianby Adrian 3.1K viewsGERMAN TEXT AFTER THE ENGLISH VERSION When I am bored – e.g. because it is snowing on a Saturday in May – …
BlogsMoto Blog
Of true and fictitious Wars, James Bond lakes and Lady Liberty / Von wahren und fiktiven Kriegen, James Bond Seen und Lady Liberty (English/Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 1.6K viewsGERMAN TEXT BELOW THE ENGLISH VERSION In Germany there are traditionally marches for peace at Eastern. In the Sunday kitchen we like …
DEUTSCHE VERSION NACH DEM ENGLISCHEN TEXT We love spring because: We love spring. In the garden star magnolias, camellias, primroses as well as …
Of the divine Greta, e-bikes from the Congo and coffee capsules (English/Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 1.5K viewsDEUTSCHE FASSUNG NACH DEM ENGLISCHEN TEXT Greta is trendy! No, not the divine Garbo but a 16 year old student from Sweden …
Of “Boris the spider”, Scirocco and tempo passito (English / Deutsch)
by Adrianby Adrian 2.5K viewsDEUTSCHE FASSUNG NACH DEM ENGLISCHEN TEXT When my grandfather told stories from the “good old times”, he used to end them sighing …
Of fff social media, the 70 Gods of Rock and belated Christmas recipes (English/German)
by Adrianby Adrian 1.8K viewsGERMAN TEXT AFTER THE ENGLISH VERSION HD Läppli used to complete the proverbe of the old testament “Man does not live by …
Following the motto of my grandpa Ernst Schaub (*1896) “wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, geht mit der Zeit” (those who dont …
I own 1300+ vinyl records and 400+ CDs from the 60s until today. Of the 70 artists below I own (more or …
One of my other passions apart from cooking is collecting rock music from the early 60s until today. The guests at our …