A delicious warm version of Vitello Tonnato / Eine leckere warme Vitello Tonnato Version
Main CourseMeatRecipessous vide
A delicious warm version of Vitello Tonnato / Eine leckere warme Vitello Tonnato Version
A slightly modified recipe of the great Austrian chefs Karl and Rudolf Obauer / ein von den grossen österreichischen Köchen Karl und …
An excellent underweek one tray dinner Ein ausgezeichnter Eintopf für ein herzhaftes Abendessen unter der Woche
We are in Ticino, high above Lake Maggiore, on holiday. Because it is so beautiful, I cook with Ticino specialities. Salsiccia, Robiölina, …
An italian classical Summer dish
A delicous summer dinner – in winter the limes can be replaced with oranges
A nice summer dish with a cold sauce that goes along well with rice and Cauliflower salad with pomegranate, cashew nuts and …
A quick and tasty Italo-Indian dinner
an Italian classic
an easy festive dinner