DEUTSCHER TEXT NACH DER ENGLISCHEN VERSION Is it ok to be in a good mood these days? In the news the gas …
GERMAN VERSION AFTER THE ENGLISH TEXT As already in 2020, 2019 and 2018 we like to present you our favorite records which …
DEUTSCHER TEXT NACH DER ENGLISCHEN VERSION Spotify Playlist: 1 Flaming Lips, American Head Dinosaurs on the mountains Mother I’ve …
There is never enough good music 🙂 Therefore another 60 mins soundtrack with songs of Indochine, Sniff n the Tears, Fleetwood Mac, …
As cooking aficionados typically stand more than one hour in the kitchen, we published another 60 Minute cooking soundtrack with upbeat music …
We love cooking and we love music. Here a 60 minute playlist of tunes that we currently like to hear while cooking. …
DEUTSCHER TEXT UNTER DER ENGLISCHEN VERSION 2019 is over and we sat down and listened to the LPs we bought last year …
Gods of Music 1969 (blog and spotify playlist) (English/German)
by Adrianby Adrian 3.1K viewsGERMAN TEXT AFTER THE ENGLISH VERSION When I am bored – e.g. because it is snowing on a Saturday in May – …
I own 1300+ vinyl records and 400+ CDs from the 60s until today. Of the 70 artists below I own (more or …
One of my other passions apart from cooking is collecting rock music from the early 60s until today. The guests at our …