Gallery Txoko April 2022 by Adrian 03/04/2022 written by Adrian 03/04/2022 1.3K views 1.3K Share this...FacebookGoogleTwitter Inspired by the portuguese tradition Txoko Adrian and two friends cook regularly together for themselves and their spouses. These events serve also as test lab for new recipes. This time we cooked recipes of the 1970s. 0 comments FacebookTwitterEmail previous post About good mood despite bad news and eplieptic whales (with Midnight Oil Spotify Playlist) / Von guter Laune trotz schlechten Nachrichten und epileptischen Walen (mit Midnight Oil spotify playlist) (English / Deutsch) next post Of “everything in aspic without gender asterisks”, cross-references and mocha hedgehogs (with recipes from the 1970s) (English/German) / Von “alles in Sülze ohne Gendersternchen”, Querverweisen und Mokka-Igeln (mit 1970er Jahre Rezepten) (English/Deutsch)