A delicous summer dinner – in winter the limes can be replaced with oranges
Veal shoulder fillet with lime cream sauce (sous-vide)
- 800 g veal shoulder fillet ("faux fillet")
- 6 limes
- 2 lemons
- 5 dl cream
- Olive oil
- Flour
- Butter
1. Cut 3 limes and two lemons into slices.
2. put the meat in a sous vide bag together with the slices of lemon and lime. Add two tablespoon of olive oil, seal and cook in the sous-vide cooker at 61 degrees for 90 minutes.
3. grate the peel off the remaining 3 limes. Then squeeze the juice and mix with the grated peel into a sauce.
4. bring cream to the boil in a pan, reduce the temperature, add salt and pepper. Form a bowl of 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 ½ tablespoon of butter and stir it into the cream sauce. Add lime sauce to it and mix well.
5. at the end of the cooking time of the meat: take the meat out of the sous-vide bag, pat dry, salt and pepper and fry it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil all around (about 5 minutes).
6. slice the meat and serve with the sauce.
PS: In winter replace the limes / lemons with oranges